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Gameplay Feature – Combat Introduction

Any RPG worth its weight in gold coins offers a fun way for the players to put risen corpses back in the ground where they belong. For The King features a turn-based, co-operative combat system that allows you and your friends to team up in Fahrul and confront evil together. We have many character classes to choose from, and also many different weapons, from your typical swords and bows to the forgotten chaos weapons dating back to the time of the titans. These, paired up with different battle stances, allow for customization and strategy. We have developed some creative mechanics that make our turn-based combat system feel different from many others. While the game has a wide array of weapons to find, each character class has different proficiency levels so it’s wise to use something that suits both your class and your playing style.

Weapons have numerous effects such as dealing regular damage, piercing critical damage, or the ability to unleash powerful chaotic energy. These last are best handled by only the wisest of Fahrul’s citizens. While any character is capable of wielding any type of weapon, their proficiency level can greatly help or hinder the effect. If a character uses a weapon they are unskilled with it is not only less effective in combat, but they can also greatly wear the weapon down and possibly even destroy it permanently! On the flip side, a high level character that is using a weapon they are perfectly suited to will unlock its true power! This could mean stringing together different types of combos that can alter your damage type, and even increase defensive values to make you more resilient for the upcoming round! Proficiency combos are another possibility, with effects like inflicting instant death or healing your party. It all depends on what you wield, and with so many hidden secrets to discover every play-through will seem like a new adventure!